Optimum Cropping Pattern Analysis with Risk Factor Consideration and Water Use Standards of Kordistan Regional Water Company (Case Study: 150 Hectares Farm Area in Ghorveh Plain, Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper



In large farms' management, especially under multi-production conditions, obtaining a combination of crop production with maximum income, has always been of prominent importance; especially if compulsive limitations and the risk of various activities has to be considered. Generarally, farmers deal with two types of risks, namely, economic and weather. Target-Motad is a kind of mathematical programming model which enters risk in decisions for planning farm activities. The main feature of this model is that the risk for separate activities is calculated by negative deviation of a determined efficiency (gross revenue), as the total product of the expected efficiencies. Ghorveh plain is a suitable agricultural land in which the problem of water surface lessening is encompassed. Recent years' excess usage of water resource and droughts has provoked Kordistan Province Regional Water Company to exert limitations for preventing further excessive water extraction from wells. In this study, the analysis of optimum cropping pattern under risk conditions with considering the exertive limitations is considered.  Results show that if the farmers use the optimum cropping pattern in water limitation period, there will be only 1980 thousand Rials loss as compared with the situation where there is no water limitation.


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