Effect of Salinity Stress on Seed Quality of Chickpea

Document Type : Research Paper



A factorial experiment on the basis of RCB design with three replications was conducted in 2007, to investigate the effects of salinity stress (S1, S2 and S3: control, 5 dS/m and 10 dS/m, respectively) on seed quality of three chickpea cultivars (ILC and Jam from kabuli type and Pirooz from desi type) at different stages of development (H1, H2, H3 and H4: 38, 46, 54 and 69 days after flowering). Seed weight, germination percentage and germination rate were significantly affected by salinity and harvest time, but cultivar had only significant effect on seed weight and germination percentage. Comparison of means indicated that 100 seed weight and percentage of germination for ILC and Jam cultivars were statistically similar, but these traits for Pirooz were significantly less than those for two other cultivars. Seeds produced under non-saline conditions (S1) were larger than those produced under low (S2) and high (S3) salinities. Moreover, germination rate and percentage of all seeds decreased, as salinity increased. Seed weight of chickpea increased with progressing seed development. In general, the rate and percentage of germination for all cultivars increased with increasing seed weight. Thus, salinity stress and immaturity can reduce the quality of chickpea seeds.


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