Factors Affecting the Adoption of Non-Mechanical Practices of Soil Conservation Among Dry Farmers: A Case Study of the Izeh Township-Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study investigates the factors that influence the adoption of soil conservation measures among the dry farmers of Izeh Township, Iran. The study was conducted during 2008/2009 in the district. Data were collected by fulfillment of 178 questionnaires. Data analysis was done with estimating Logit regression models. Results of regression models for adoption of soil conservation measures showed that total farm size, believes in the impact of control measures on soil erosion, slope of land, soil fertility, participation in training programs of soil conservation and land ownership type and contact with agricultural promoters and experts, positively affect farmers’ decision to adoption measures. While, age, education and distance of the farms from residential areas, negatively influence farmers’ adoption decision. With respect to the results, the training of soil conservation to increase farmers' awareness and technical knowledge of farmers about the effects of erosion and soil conservation measures is necessary.


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