The Effect of Transplanting, Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on forage corn yield and yield components in Delayed Cultivation Conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Prof, Horticulture Crops Research Department, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Hamedan, Iran


The planting pattern in three levels including a one- row with spacing of 70 cm, two- row with spacing of 70 cm and two- row with spacing of 140 cm as the main factor and plant density in three levels including 85000, 110000 and 135000 plants per hectare, along with the planting method in two levels, including direct seed cultivation and transplanting were considered as secondary factors. The highest yield of fresh forage with 75661 and 72359 kg.ha-1 belonged to the planting patterns of two- row with spacing of 70 and 140 cm, respectively. However, the highest values of protein yield (2694.78 kg.ha-1), ear to fresh forage weight ratio (33.53 %), as well as water use efficiency and economic water productivity (22.33 kg.m-3 and 10048.9 toman.m-3 of water) were belonged to the planting pattern of two- row with spacing of 140 cm. Among the different plant densities, the density of 110000 plants, despite the relatively lower values of fresh and dry forage compared to the density of 135000 plants, in terms of the qualitative values of the ear to fresh forage weight ratio and protein content (32.80 and 12.54 %, respectively) and protein yield (2789.86 kg.ha-1) was superior to the density of 135000 plants. The transplanting showed higher quantities of fresh and dry forage and protein yield (72160, 22066 and 2585 kg.ha-1, respectively) compared to direct seeding, also, it improved the amount of water use efficiency (WUE) and economic water productivity by 19.3 and 19.2 %, respectively.


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