Investigating the Effectiveness of Credits Early Returns Firms in the Beekeeping Industry

Document Type : Research Paper



Supporting the establishment and development of small and medium economic enterprises is one of the basic priorities of the economic development programs in most countries.  However, opponents and proponents have largely discussed the effectiveness of small and medium economic enterprises in Iran. With this approach, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of enterprises' early return and will review and evaluate the achievement of goals in the fields of sustainable employment, investment and profitability improvement. For examining these subject, early return enterprises, exploited in the beekeeper's sector in the city of Babol during 1386, were selected through a census (50 samples) and compared (using matching methods) with another group of firms that have not used the credits of the early return firms (52 samples). The results of this study revealed that employment and financial diversion of samples were very low. Furthermore, the results obtained from active firms revealed that these credits have had a positive impact on employment, short and long-term investment in this group of firms. However, the employment rate predicted in the projects, in the exploitation year, has not been fully achieved and the cost of intermediaries in this group of firms has increased without any significant effect on short and long-term profitability of this group of firms. According to the results this study, Establish a comprehensive information system, separating the two concepts of new Enterprises and old enterprises, created specialized banks to support small and medium enterprises and attention to the indirect effects the credit is proposed. Classification JEL: M51; H32; O16; C78 
