Response of grain yield of barley and faba bean to humic acid application in different planting patterns of intercropping

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University,Tehran,Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Agriulture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


This study was aimed to evaluate the grain yield of barley and faba bean in different planting patterns of intercropping under the condition of humic acid application in a low input cropping system.
The experiment was carried out as a two-factor factorial baed on RCBD with three replications. The treatments were five planting patterns including two treatments of barley and faba bean sole croppings and three intercropping patterns and three foliar applications of humic acid
Based on the obtained results, the highest number of grain per pod and pods per plant was obtained in the sole cropping of beans, which was not significantly different from the intercropping The highest grain yield and biological yield of faba beans were obtained in sole cropping .The lowest seed yield and biological yield of faba beans were obtained in the intercropping pattern with the lowest density of faba beans. By reducing the density of faba beans from 100% to 40% the grain and biological yield of faba beans decreased. The highest grain and biological yields of barley were also obtained in the sole cropping treatment respectively humic acid foliar application, faba bean yield increased and barley yield increased The land equivalent ratio for all three intercropping patterns was obtained more than one. The monetary advantage index was also positive for all three mixed cropping patterns.
In total and based on the evaluation criteria, the best pattern was the intercropping of 80% of faba beans and 40% of barley


Main Subjects

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