Article preparation and terms of acceptance guideline
The Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production receive articles on the area of sustainable agriculture in case following items are carefully considered.
1- Terms of acceptance
1-1- An article is accepted to be published in case whose author or authors mention consistency and relationship of the submitted article with a couple of scientific fields which are determined and accepted by the journal staff editors and are available at Tabriz University Site at The consistency and relationship has to be noted in specific pages of the article. Obviously, it is the staff writers who finally confirm full consistency of topic of the article with scientific fields required for publishing the article.
1-2- The text of the submitted article should not be simultaneously published or submitted to be published in any other journal and series of conferences articles.
1-3- The sequence of the names along with their directions of the authors should be attached in a separate sheet which should be signed by the authors. The name of the individual in charge of correspondence should also be specified. Authors of articles are responsible for what written in the article.
1-4- The writers staff is entitled to accept, reject or edit the article considering jury members’ view.
1-5- In case the article is not submitted by the author in one month given to the author to adjust the article based on publishing guidelines, the article will be no longer reviewed.
2- Terms of writing and compiling
Article preparing and submitting guideline
2-1- General items
2-1-1- The article should be prepared in A4 sheets and at most in 10 pages in mono-column format. The lines distance should be about 1 centimeter. The upper margin should be 3.5, the lower margin 2, the right one 2.5 and the left one 1.5. Indentation of about 5 letters at the beginning of each paragraph is also required. Word 2013 version needs to be used for writing the article. The article file and authors specifications file should be attached separately. The article should be submitted at
2-1-2- The required font and size are explained below
The article title in bold B Titre 14
Subtitle, text, names of authors in bold Byagot 12
Title of tables and figures in bold Byagot 11
Words and numbers in tables and figures in Byagot 10
Footnote in Byagot 9
2-1-3- All letters, words and English sentence should be written in Times New Roman
The title in bold 12, names in bold 11, text in 11, the direction of writers in 11 and abstract and keywords bold 11
2-1-4- Abbreviation of any foreign word used in the text excluding scientific names, should be referred to footnote in left by mentioning numbers and without parentheses. Names of the foreign sources authors should be mentioned in Persian in the text of the article and without subtitles.
2-1-5- Scientific names should be italicized in text of the article, Persian and English abstracts, keywords and sources.
2-1-6- Titles of the tables should be written right above the table and titles of figures right below figures without any parentheses and after serial number and dash. The title of tables and figures should be complete and expressive with no full stop at the end of the title.
2-1-7- Use the word “figure” instead of chart, picture, map, photo and etc. names of variables and their scales should be mentioned in both horizontal and vertical axes. Units of the numbers should be presented in metric system and be typed in Persian.
2-1-8- Tables should be drawn without vertical lines. Horizontal lines should be used only to separate titles, headlines and other necessary issues. Figures should be drawn without framework and background.
2-1-9- Tables and figures should be referred to in the text of the article without any parentheses, unless their number is mentioned at the end of the sentence along with the word table and figure.
- Table 2 demonstrates the linear relationship between two variables.
- relationship between the two variable is linear (table 2).
2-1-10- Number of all formulas (in case they are numbered) should be mentioned in brackets.
2-1-11- All foreign subtitles should start with capital letters.
2-1-12- References should be mentioned in text of the article along with name and year. Articles submitted to journal to be published should follow the following guideline.
Using this method, year of publication is mentioned in parentheses after family names of authors. In case the number of authors is more than two, first the family name of the first author and then the phrase ‘et al.’ is mentioned. In case the reference used in parentheses at the end of the sentence, family names of authors are mentioned in Persian based on the year that reference was published (first Persian references and then foreign ones). All references mentioned in the text of the article should also be mentioned in the section of ‘References.’
- Hall&Dracup (1975) used Monte Carlo method and drew inflow hydrographs to analyze function of a water tank.
- Populus trichocarpa enjoys average genome, rapid growth, relative ease of manipulation and access to range of genetic tools (Stettler& Bradshaw 1996 & Tuscan et al 2004)
- Moradishahr Babak (2000) heritability breastfeeding persistency in area of 0.1 to 0.2 (Sanchez et al 1981 and Osvaldo 1995)
2-1-13- The paper of article’s specifications including name and family names of author(s), scientific grade, occupation location, direction in Persian and English as well as phone number, cell number and email address should be posted to the journal office. Names and specifications of authors of the article should not be mentioned below the article.
2-2- Sequence of different parts of the article and terms of compiling them
2-2-1- Title of the article should be mentioned in a short and fluent way and at most in 20 words in a way expressing context of the article. It is not necessary to mention scientific names of living creatures in case they enjoy a general name. Symbols and chemical formulas should not be used in title as well. Furthermore, using certain words including, study and survey at the beginning of the title is not recommended.
2-2-2- The Persian abstract should be prepared in one paragraph. It is an intensive and expressive piece of the article stressing its goals, methodology, results of the study and conclusion. The abstract should at most include 250 words. In this section no reference, number of tables, figures or subtitle is needed. In case, scientific names and chemical formulas are not used in the title, they can be used in abstract.
2-2-3- Keywords should be written at most in 7 words in alphabetically-ordered-manner (first Persian words and then foreign ones) immediately after the Persian abstract.
2-2-4- The introduction includes discussing subject of the research, review of the related literature and goals of the study.
2-2-5- Materials and methods should expressively include properties of test execution location, description of material, tools, applied methods, including test plans and statistic methods. In this section, methods not used in the study are not explained. Furthermore, it is recommended to avoid complete description of conventional methods and only mention references used in this study and their changes. The methodology should be clear enough so that other researchers could easily duplicate them in case needed.
2-2-6- Conclusions and discussions of the results of the study are presented in the form of text, table and figure, discussion and conclusion at the end. In this section, repeating or mentioning the material and applied methods should be avoided. There should be no repetitious information simultaneously in figures and tables. There is no need to express details of tables and figures and only important points should be mentioned. Results of the statistical analysis had better be reflected in the form of table or figure and meaningful differences should be specified with appropriate signs.
The discussion includes analysis of the test data, mentioning cause and effect and possible functions in theoretical and applied aspects. Moreover, it is necessary to use results of studies of other researchers to analyze the results and enrich the discussion. Hence, it is not sufficient to merely mention phrases like “consistency or lack of consistency of results of the study with others’. Discussing similarities and differences could enrich the discussion further. Therefore, staff writers is unable to receive articles which lack references to others’ studies in this sections.
Note: Results and discussion could be complied together or separated. In case the two sections are separated, the discussion should not include repeating results of the study, but also it should comprise generalities, concepts and analyzing results.
2-2-7- In the section of complimentary, it is possible to express gratitude to natural and legal persons who cooperated in the process of the study.
2-2-8- The section of references include a list of Persian references (to English) and foreign ones which are presented in alphabetically-ordered-manner and without numbering. The following items should be considered in preparing this section.
2-2-8-1- This section only includes references used in the text of the article. References not used in the text should not be named in this section.
2-2-8-2- In the references section, the family name is first mentioned and then is followed by abbreviation of names of authors. In one reference, names of authors until the penultimate are separated by comma and the last author by the word “and”.
2-2-8-3- In references section, names of all authors of each reference is mentioned without the word ‘et al.’
2-2-8-4- In case several sources of one single author is used, first single articles and then joint ones are mentioned by next authors names in alphabetical order. In case two or more sources belong to similar authors, the sources are presented based on year of publication from old to new. In case they share the same year of publication, the sources are distinguished by using letters a, b, c written in front of year of publication.
2-2-8-5- The year of publication is mentioned immediately after the family name and names of authors. The year is preceded by comma and is followed by full stop.
2-2-8-6- Pamphlets are prohibited to be used as a reference.
2-2-8-7- In case of article in scientific journals, besides what was said, it is necessary to mention name of the journal, volume, first and last pages of the article. Regarding scientific conferences, title of the conference, the month it was held and location and number of first and last pages are required to be expressed. In case of books and monographs, the name of the publisher is used at the end of the reference used.
2-2-8-8- The first letters of titles, names of authors and all words related to names of journals, title of conferences and names of publishers and institutions start with capital letters in the section of References.
2-2-8-9- The name of journals are completely written in references.
2-2-8-10- Internet sources cannot be used at all.
Examples of citing sources in the section of References
Articles published in scientific journals
Family name and abbreviation of names of authors, year, title of the article, name of journal, number of volume and ranges of pages.
Pourgholam, M., N. Nemati, and M. Oveysi. 2013. Effect of zinc and iron under the influence of drought on prolin, protein and nitrogen leaf of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Annals of Biological Research. 4(7): 200-203. (In Persian).
Schweizer LE, Nyquist WE, Santini JB and Kimes TM, 1986. Soybean cultivar mixtures in a narrow-row,
noncultivatable production system. Crop Science, 26:1043-1046
Article published in series of conferences
Family name and abbreviation of names of authors, year of publication, title of the article, ranges of the pages, name of conference, institution (in case it is required) and city it was held
Habibi M, 1997. Calculating sediment discharge using a developed computer package. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment Systems. Tehran, Iran. Pp. 854-864
In case all chapters of one book is written jointly by one or more people, the references should be named in following order:
Family name and abbreviation of the names of authors, year of publications, title of the book, name of publisher.
Malakooti, M.J., and M.H. Tehrani. 1998. The role of micronutrients in enhancing the performance and improve the quality of agricultural products. Publication of Tarbiat Modarres. (In Persian).
Hay KM and Robert R, 1989. An introduction to the physiology and crop yield. Leonard Hill, London.
In case chapters of one book were written by separate author or authors and the whole book is compiled by one or more coordinator, it is mentioned in the reference section in the following manner.
Family name and abbreviation of first name of authors, year of publication, name of chapter, range of pages of the chapter, family name and name of the coordinators of the book, name of book and name of publisher
Knuiman MW and Laird NM, 1990. Parameter estimation in variance component models for binary response data. Pp. 177-189. In: Gianola D and Hammond K (eds).Advances in statistical methods for genetic improvement of livestock. Springer- verlag.
Family name and abbreviation of author’s first name, year of publication, title of the thesis, grade, name of faculty and university
Ghanbari A. 200. Wheat-bean intercropping as a low-input forage. Phd. Thesis University of London.
Titcomb ST and Tuers AA, 1976. Reduced calorie bread and method of making same. USA Patent 3 979 323. Date issued: 7 September.
In case of references where the name of the author is unknown, the word anonymous is used instead of name of the author.
Anonymous, 1992. Maize in human nutrition. FAO Food and Nutrition Series No. 25. FAO, Rome.
Note: Articles submitted to scientific journals but are not accepted or they lack number of volume or ranges of pages in the section of references should be avoided.
This kind of references can be mentioned in text of the article after mentioning the name of owner of the work or (source of information) using the phrase “personal correspondence” in a parentheses.
2-2-9- The English abstract comes at the final section of the articles and is a complete translation of the Persian abstract. The following items should be followed in writing English abstract.
2-2-9-1- All principles mentioned for writing a Persian abstract should be exactly followed for an English one.
2-2-9-2- In the title of the article, initial letters of all words, except conjunctions, are written in capital.
2-2-9-3- Names of authors, including name and family name are written completely
2-2-9-4- Keywords are mentioned in alphabetically –ordered manner.
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis), it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and its publication has been approved by all coauthors (if any).
Journal of Agricultural science and sustainable production applies the CC BY-NC to articles. If you submit your paper for publication by JACSP, you agree to have the CC BY-NC license applied to your work. Under this Open Access license, you as the author agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or part for any purpose, for free, even for commercial purposes. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse the content as long as the author and original source are properly cited. This facilitates freedom in re-use and also ensures that JACSP content can be mined without barriers for the needs of research.
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