Comparison of Salinity Tolerance of Common and Improved Genotypes of Forage Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) in Tabriz-plain

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to evaluate salinity tolerance in some sorghum genotypes, a split-plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the Research Farm of East-Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Tabriz, Iran. The results showed significant difference among genotypes in all studied traits, except for leaf length, leaf to stem dry weight ratio, and fresh weight of the stem to the total fresh weight ratio. Also, salinity treatment had significant effect on leaf length, leaf fresh and dry weight, stem fresh and dry weight, fresh weight of the leaf to the total fresh weight and fresh weight of the stem to the total fresh weight ratios. The mean comparison showed that these traits decreased by salinity stress. In this research, Pegah and KFS2 verities have more plant fresh weight, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf fresh weight, stem fresh weight, leaf dry weight, shoot dry weight and fresh weight of the leaf to the total fresh weight ratio in compared with common genotypes. But, Pegah and native Jolfa genotypes had the highest plant height. Differences between genotypes in different traits indicate the desirable genetic variation among the studied genotypes.


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