Analysis of Energy Consumption Pattern in Corn Fields in two Different Climates (North & South of West Azerbaijan)

Document Type : Research Paper



This research was conducted to evaluation of the input and output energies of corn
(Zea mays L.) fields in two different climates (north and south) of Western Azerbaijan Province. All information of this study about inputs and yield were collected by questionnaire in 152 corn fields of different areas of Western Azerbaijan province. Total energy expenditures were
76129.7 mjh-1 (8091.9mjh-1 direct energy, 12082.6mjh-1 indirect energy, 10237.6mjh-1 renewable energy and 19401.9mjh-1 non-renewable energy) and output energy was 143202mjh-1 in northern corn fields. Also, total input energies were 70385.3mjh-1 (6519.5mjh-1 direct energy,
13559.7mjh-1 indirect energy, 13501.1mjh-1 renewable energy and 18447.5mjh-1 non-renewable energy) and output energy was 137941mjh-1 in southern corn fields. Results were indicated that Mahabad, Urmia and Naqade, with average energy efficiency 3.6, 3.36 and 3.03 had the highest average energy efficiency, respectively. These differences can be caused warming, greenhouse gas emissions and instability. So the new policy instruments should be adopted to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency.


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