The Study of Some Quantity and Quality Characteristics of Two Wheat Cultivars Under Different Planting Method and Irrigation Levels Conditions

Document Type : Research Paper



       In order to study of some quantity and quality characteristics of two wheat cultivars under different planting method and irrigation levels conditions, an experiment was carried out in 2009-2010 in field of Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University. Experimental design was strip split plot within randomized complete block with three replications. Row factor was planting methods that include: basin, 3 line on the ridges, 6 and 9 lines on the ridges. Column factor was irrigation that include two levels: irrigation after discharge 25% and 50% plant available water in soil, and two cultivars that include Chamran and Stare were in subplot.The test results showed that planting methods, the characteristics grain yield, straw yield and protein percent are significant differences with each other. Among planting methods, 3 line methods have significantly higher grain and straw yield compared to other methods, while 6 and 9 line methods have significantly highest protein percent. Irrigation levels, have been not a significant difference. Between cultivars, Chamran have significantly higher in shrub height, grain yield and straw yield. While, Starr has higher shrub weight and greater spike length. Based on the results of this test and according to water shortages in most parts of the country, ridge planting method, specialy 3 lines on the ridges whit second level irrigation and  Chamran cultivar is recommended.


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