The Study of Cucumber and Onion Intercropping

Document Type : Research Paper



Intercropping is a suitable method towards sustainable agriculture. On this basis an experiment was conducted in a field located in, km 5 of Mianeh-Tabriz road during 2009 growth season. The factorial of treatments was arranged with in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors; cucumber cultivars (Emperor, Bingo, Superstar and Nefer) and intra row spacing of onion (8, 10 and 12 cm). Results showed that the yield of onion was significantly reduced only in intercropping with Emperor cultivar. The highest yield of onion was obtained from 10 cm intra row spacing. Cultivars of Emperor and Superstar in comparison with two other cultivars produced more yield. The highest yield of cucumber obtained in sole culture and the yield reduced significantly in intercropping. The highest percentage of onion bulb dry matter obtained from 8 cm intra row spacing. The percentage of cucumber dry matter reduced singnificantly in intercropping with Nefer cultivar. The highest land equivalent ratio (LER) (1.56) was recorded in treatment of the combination of onion (with intra row spacing of 10 cm) with Superstar cultivar.


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