Study of Some Agronomical Characteristics of Maize in Intercropping with Faba bean

Document Type : Research Paper



          In order to evaluate intercropping of maize (Zea mays L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.), a field experiment was conducted as factorial on the bases of randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments were intercropped combinations of maize densities (6, 7 and 8 plant/ m2) and faba bean densities (30, 40 and 50 plant/ m2) and 6 sole-cropped treatments. Two species intercropped as additive series. Results revealed that the effects of maize density were significant on ear length, number of seed rows per ear, seeds per row and seeds per ear, grain yield of maize and biological yield of maize. The faba bean density significantly affected all measured traits of maize except the number of seed row per ear and100- maize kernel weight. The grain and biological yields of maize were significantly affected by interaction of maize and faba bean density. In monocropping, grain yield of maize increased, with increasing maize density at plant per square meter. The grain and biological yields of maize in intercropping were higher than those in mono cropping. However, plant density had not significant effect on grain and biological yields in intercropping. Intercropping rate of 6 maize and 30 faba-bean plants is introduced as advantageous system. 


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