Comparison of Sustainable Agriculture of Practices in Vegetables of Jiroft County (Case Study: Onions, Potatos and Tomatos)

Document Type : Research Paper



According to FAO statistics of the one-third of the world population still are envisaging with food deficiency. Hence, it clearly shows this fact that the conventional agricultural systems in achieving the human needs of food is relatively unsuccessful, yet, with some furthers adverse environmental effects. Thus, sustainable agriculture has been considered as the most effective solution for this matter by experts. Because of the roles and importance of agriculture in the economy and in employment of Jiroft County and due to the vegetables' place in consumers' health, this study has been accomplish with the aim of comparing the sustainable agricultural practices in onions, potatoes and tomatoes produced in Jiroft in 2008-2009 production year. For this purpose 197 farmers were selected throught the appropriate stratified random sampling from their population. The results showed that 52/3 percent of producers perform unsustainable and relatively unsustainable agricultural practices and only 31 and 16/7 percent of them are within the relatively sustainable and sustainable classes respectively. The results of multivariate analysis of variance show that potatoes farms are located in some more unsuitable circumstances than the onions and tomatoes farms. The results also showed that the causes of sustainability in agricultural operations of tomatoes producers compared with onions and potatoes producers is in their better management of weed control, cultivation and soil fertility.  On the other hand superior sustainability of onions producers is in their pests and diseases control management as compared with that of potatoes producers.


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