Different Tillage Methods Impacts on a Clay Soil Properties and Wheat Production in Rotation with Chickpea under Rainfed Condition

Document Type : Research Paper



         Regarding to suitable tillage system achievement for wheat production in rotation with chickpea cultivation, five different tillage methods were examined during the 5 years (2004-08) in Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI) of Maragheh with four replicates in randomized complete block design (RCBD). The five tillage treatments were T1= moldboard plow + roller, T2= chisel plow + roller, T3= cyclotiler, T4= sweep + roller and T5= no-tillage. Soil physical and chemical properties accompanied with wheat production were measured. Results obtained by statistical analysis showed that the treatments had significant effects on bulk density (BD) and soil pH. T1 (1.23 gr/cm3 in average) had most effect on decrease of soil compaction although; the differences were not significant compared with T4 and T3. T5 (1.34 gr/cm3 in average) had Maximum BD. T5 (7.39 in average) had minimum pH in compared with other treatments. The treatments had no significant in Organic mater (OC), but T5 and reduced tillage (T2 and T4) tended to increase the OC. The treatments had no significant differences in soil moisture. The results showed that decreased of BD, tended to increase soil moisture. The combine analysis showed that the treatments had no significant differences in grain yield. According to result and advantages of different tillage methods, T2 and T4 could be suggested instead of T1. 


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