The Effect of Different Water Quantities on Yield, Water Use efficiency and Cotton Yield Function in Mazandaran Province, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



To study the effect of deficit irrigation on cotton yield, determination of yield function and water use efficiency, an experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications on cotton (Sahel variety) in BayeKola, Agricultural Research Station of Mazndaran Province during 2002 - 2003. Irrigation treatments based on 0 , 25,  50, 75, 100 and 125% of water  requirement,  affected cotton yield significantly (P<0.01). The highest and lowest cotton yield with 1679 and 3099 Kg/ha were obtained from I
treatment (0% of water requirement) and I
(75 % of water requirement), respectively; while the highest values of water use efficiency were belonged to I
and I
treatments. There was no yield reduction in I
with 25% less water requirement. While cotton yield in I
(with 50% water requirement) was decreased 15%, significantly as compared with I
(100% water requirement). Thus, full irrigation is not necessary for cotton irrigation in Mazandaran province, and irrigation with 75% of water requirement could be sufficient.


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