Evaluation of Tolerance Rate of Canola Cultivar to Salinity Stress

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to study of salinity stress effect on yield and some traits in canola cultivars, one factorial experimental was conducted in greenhouse of agriculture faculty of Tabriz Islamic Azad university in 2010 with 5 levels of salinity stress (0, 3, 6, 9, 12dS/m provided from Orumieh lake water) as factor A and three canola spring cultivars (Hyola 401, Hyola 330 and Sarigol) as factor B with three replications. The result showed salinity had negative effect (p<0.01) on traits such as number of sub branch pods, number of main stem pods, length of main stem pod, length of sub branches pod, dry matter per plant, physiological maturity date, seed weight of main stem pods, seed weight of sub branches pods, grain yield and oil percent. Under different levels of salinity, grain yield had positive correlation with traits such as number of sub branch pods, length of main stem pod, length of sub branches pod, seed weight of main stem pods, seed weight of sub branches pods and negative correlation with days to pod filling. Regression analysis of grain yield as dependent variable and other traits as independent variables showed that main stem pod number, dry matter per plant, and oil% were effective parameters on yield. Regression analysis of oil% as dependent variable and other traits as independent variables expressed that sub branch number, main stem pod number, length of main stem pod, grain yield, days to pod filling, physiological maturity date were effective components on oil percent. Mean comparison of traits indicated Hyola 401 cultivar had the highest value of sub branch number, number of main stem pods, number of sub branch pods, dry matter per plant, seed weight of main stem pods and sub branch pods under different salinity stress than other cultivars.


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