A Survey on Comparative Advantages of the Selected Farm Crops in Kurdistan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


2EMBA, Gas Company of Kurdistan Province, Sanandaj, Iran


Farm crops have a crucial role in the agriculture of Kurdistan province. Consequently, studying economic aspects of these crops is of special importance. This study aimed to determine economic potentials of Kurdistan province in farm crops (irrigated wheat, dry land wheat, irrigated barley, dry land barley, corn, beans, irrigated pea, dry land pea, potatos and tomatos) production and trade. For this purpose, the Social Cost Benefit (SCB) criterion was applied. Findings for 2001-2 and 2002-3 farming year indicated that irrigated wheat, irrigated barley, corn, irrigated pea, potatos, and tomatos had comparative advantages in both years by SCB criteria. Dry land pea had comparative advantages only in 2002-3 farming year. According to the comparative advantages ranking by SCB, potato is most profitable crop in the international trading point of views for Kurdistan province. After potatos, tomatos, corn, irrigated wheat and irrigated barley were also found important.


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