Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Iranian Grasspea Landraces (Lathyrus sativus L.) based on Agronomic Traits and Seed Storage Proteins

Document Type : Research Paper



Regarding the decreasing number of the available crop species for plant breeders, the study of “ignored” crops seems necessary, one of which is grasspea (Lathyrus sativus). In order to evaluation of the Iranian landraces of grasspea for agro-morphological traits, 26 accessions were planted in the field as an augmented design based on a complete block design with five replications.  Some traits, such as date of maturity, number of pods/plant, number of grains/pod, dry biomass, one-hundred grain weight, and grain yield per plant were studied. The analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between the agro-morphological traits.The cluster analysis of the landraces for their agro-morphological traits using UPGMA method resulted in three distinct groups: 1) Tabriz-1 and Tabriz-2, 2) Arak-246, and 3) the others. The diversity of the aforesaid 26 grasspea landraces as well as Lathyrus ochrus and L. cicera species for their total seed storage proteins using SDS-PAGE method was studied and 19 protein bands identified. The cluster analysis based on the SDS-PAGE results through UPGMA method and simple matching coefficient could separate Tabriz-2 as well as the two species from the remaining of the landraces being in a single group.


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