Evaluation of the effect of sulfur along with Thiobacillus inoculant on less water stress of Khatoni melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

2 Postgraduate Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

3 Department of Horticultural science, Ferdowsi university of Mahhad


Objective:This study is to investigate the effect of Thiobacillus inoculant and sulfur bio bacteria on less water stress in Khatouni melon plants.
Materials & Methods: the aim of the experiment was conducted with split plots in a three-replication randomized complete block design.Irrigation regime as the main plot with levels of 100, 75 and 50%of melon water requirements and fertilizer treatments as a sub-plot with three levels of thiobacillus (without inoculum, 250 and 500 kg sulfur per hectare along with 5 and10 kg of bacterial with a population of 107 bacteria per gram inoculum).
Results:The results study indicate that all studied agronomic traits affected by stress, so that drought stress had a significant impact on all traits. On the other hand, sulfur plus thiobacillus reduced the negative effects of water stress and led to significant increases in total chlorophyll content, carotenoids, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight at various levels of drought.Thus,application Third level of sulfur, A significant effect of drought stress interaction with the sulfur application was seen on all traits studied except for conductance at level of one percent.
Conclusion:The application of sulfur and thiobacillus can improve growth traits and increase yield, irrespective of its irrigation level. Moreover, the use of sulfur and thiobacillus in the treatment of dehydration results in 75% of the water requirement of 500 kg sulfur per hectare with 10 kg of Thiobacillus. It was also observed that with increasing dehydration stress , effect of sulfur and thiobacillus on improving growth traits declined.


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