Effect of phosphate and humic fertilizers on quantitative, qualitative and nutritional indicators of safflower plant leaves.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student in Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assoc. Prof., of thr Dept. of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Prof. of the Dept. of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

4 CEO of Qizil Topraq Sahand Company, Maragheh, Iran



This research was conducted in order to reduce or replace phosphate fertilizer with humic acid to investigate growth characteristics, grain yield and absorption of macro and micronutrients in safflower plants in order to reduce costs and increase the harvest.
Cultivation of safflower of Goldasht variety with 9treatments were carried out a randomized complete block design. Morphological, vegetative growth and Yield traits and nutrients were measured in safflower leaves.
The P50H100 treatment had the highest values in plant height, stem diameter, number of main branches, photosynthesis, chlorophyll index, stomatal conductance, capitol number, 100-grain weight, seed yield, biological yield, harvest index, oil percentage and oil yield. After P50H100treatment, H200andP25H150 treatments had better results in these indicators. P50H100treatment has the highest significant percentage of leaf nitrogen, P50H100and P50treatment has the highest significant percentage of leaf phosphorus, H200, P25H150and P50H100treatments have the highest significant amount of leaf potassium, H200treatment has the highest significant amount of leaf calcium, P25H150treatment has the highest significant amount of leaf magnesium, H200 treatment has the highest significant amount of iron and zinc in leaves, The H200 and P25H150 treatments had the highest significant amount of leaf manganese and the P25H150 treatment had the highest significant amount of leaf copper.
This research showed that the most significant performance can be achieved with P50H100 treatment. After this treatment, H200 and P25H150 treatments had significant results and were appropriate. P100 and P50 treatments as well as H100 and P25H50 treatments did not have significant results compared to the superior treatments.
