Changes in Dry Forage Yield in Hamedani Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in Relation to Different Levels of Planting Density and Harvest Time

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated professor, Departement of Agriculture (Genetic and Plant Breeding), Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associated professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

3 Assistant professor Departement of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



To evaluate the effect of planting density and harvest stage on dry forage production in alfalfa, an experiment was performed during cropping years2017-2018and2018-2019 in BuAliSina University of Hamadan.The experiment was performed as strip split plots design with randomized complete block design(RCBD)in four replicates.We studied planting density at three levels and forage harvesting time at four phenological stages.The results of the mean comparison showed that forage harvest at 10% flowering stage led to a significant increase in dry forage yield in the first and second croppings and annual forage yield in the two years of the experiment.The results of mean comparison of interactions between planting density and forage harvest date in the first year of the experiment showed that increasing row spacing to 50 and 60 cm and forage harvest at 10% and 50% flowering stage led to a significant increase in dry forage yield in the second cropping and annual forage yield.In this study in both years of the experiment, the delay in the forage harvest time led to a significant increase in the plant height. Harvesting at early flowering stage leads to a significant increase in the canopy height compared to harvesting at early budding stage.Reducing crop density through increasing row spacing to 50 and 60 cm and harvesting forage at 50% flowering stage led to a significant increase in dry forage yield of first harvest.Therefore lower density planting and delay in forage harvest time up to 50% flowering is suggested aimed to increase the annual dry forage yield.


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