The effect of chemical and non-chemical weed control on the growth characteristics and yield of spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of Tabriz

2 University of Tabriz

3 Graduated from Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Department of Crop Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

4 PhD Student in Production and Post-Harvest Physiology of Medicinal Plants, Department of ‎Horticultural Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.‎



Background & Objective: Considering the increase in world population in recent years and the growing need of human societies, especially in our country, for oilseed products, proper agricultural management is very important to increase yield. The present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of different weed control methods on the growth traits and yield of safflower.
Methods & Materials: An experiment in the form of a randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted to investigate the effect of straw and stubble mulch, cover plants, and herbicides in the management of spring safflower weeds in Jihad Agriculture Kalibar Farm, located in East Azarbaijan Province. Evaluation of growth traits and safflower yield was measured during the growing season and after harvest.
Results: Based on the results obtained from this study, weed control methods had no significant effect on the number of leaves and the number of secondary stems. Other investigated traits were significantly affected by weed control methods. Apart from weed control, the greatest increase in plant height (38.5%), number of leaves (32%), stem dry weight, shoot dry weight and harvest index was obtained in the treatment of trifluralin herbicide + straw mulch and wheat stubble.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the control of weeds in the safflower field in the early stages of growth is more effective than in the more advanced stages, and it can indicate the sensitivity of safflower to the competition of weeds in the early stages of safflower growth.


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