The Effect of Pumice Application and Foliar Spraying with Algae Extract and Hoagland Solution on Growth Traits and Yield of Soybeans (Glycine max(

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1MSc graduated of Agronomy, Faculty of agriculture, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan

3 Assistant Prof., Field and Horticultural Crops Sciences Research Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Parsabad, Iran.


The results showed that the interaction effects of pumice and the simultaneous foliar spraying with seaweed extract and Hoagland's solution caused a 97% increase in pod length and 112% in width, a 73% increase in plant dry weight, a 39% increase in seed number per plant and 55% increase in seed yield compared to the control plant. The plant height increased under 60 tons.ha-1 of pumice application alone and in combination with foliar spraying with both fertilizers. Foliar spraying with Hoagland's solution, along with simultaneous foliar spraying of both compounds (seaweed extract + Hoagland's solution) with pumice application enhanced the number of nodes, sub-branches, and the weight of 100 seeds of the plant. Pumice application (zero and 60 tons.ha-1) along with the spraying alone and simultaneous spraying of both fertilizers, increased the nitrogen content of the plants. Potassium content was increased when 60 tons.ha-1 of pumice + simultaneous foliar spraying of both compounds and algae extract spraying was applied. The effect of pumice application (60 tons.ha-1) influenced the pod number per plant, as well as the flavonoids and phenolics, calcium, magnesium, and manganese content of the plant. The co-application of seaweed extract + Hoagland's solution raised the protein (40%) and oil (21%) percentages of the seeds. There was a positive correlation between seed yield, elements content, oil percentage, root dry weight, and biological yield, and this shows that a balanced nutrition with nutrients is necessary to reach reliable yield components.


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