Determining suitable rapeseed cultivars using phenologic, physiologic and agronomic characteristics in Alborz and Golestan provinces

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)

2 Professor, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Gorgan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Gorgan, Iran

4 Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

5 Researcher, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

6 Ph.D. student, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Karaj, Iran

7 Ph.D., Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Water and Soil Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Nature Resources, Gorgan, Iran


Objectives: The purpose of the experiment was to determine and identify new cultivars to replace them with old cultivars in two climates, cold-temperate (Alborz province) and humid warm-temperate (Golestan province).
Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out during two years (2017-18 and 2018-19) in Alborz and Golestan provinces by using 14 spring and 10 winter rapeseed varieties in a randomized complete block design with three replications.
Results: In Gorgan region, cultivars DK 7170, Trapper, Hyola 50, Hyola 401 and Hyola 420 had more grain yield potential with lower ADD for the beginning of flowering and more leaf area index and SPAD index compared to RGS003 cultivar (control). In the Karaj region, the new and intermediate-maturing winter genotypes (Nafis and HL3721 line) had the higher seed yield due to less ADD for the beginning of flowering and the growth period duration, more silique per plant, and higher seeds per silique, thousand seed weight, leaf area index and SPAD index (significant difference) compared to okapi variety (control).

Conclusion: Trapper, Hyola 50 and Delgan cultivars with seed yield ranged from 2500 to 3000 kg.ha-1for planting in Gorgan region and Nafis cultivar with seed yield ranged from 3200 to 3300 kg.ha-1 for planting in Karaj region were recognized as suitable and high potential and good substitutes for the old RGS003 and Okapi cultivars, respectively.


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