The effect of different sources of phosphorus fertilizer on morphophysiological and agronomical traits of soybean (Glycine max cv. Parsa)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agronomy and plant breeding Dept., Agricultural faculty, Yasouj university

2 Prof., Dept. of Agronomy and Plant breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Yasouj, Iran


Background and Objective: Excessive reliance on the use of chemical fertilizers to produce agricultural products today has led to major environmental problems. Therefore, in order to reduce the soil pollution and the cost of producing chemical fertilizers, it is necessary to use bio-fertilizers. This research was done to aim of determining the appropriate amount of phosphorus chemical fertilizer in combination with bio-fertilizers for soybean.
Material and Methods: The experiment was conducted as a factorial base of a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The first factor included the application of phosphorus chemical fertilizer (zero, 60, 120 and 180 kg/ha triple superphosphate) and the second factor included the application of phosphorus bio-fertilizer (control, Behroshd bio-fertilizer, mycorrhiza and Behroshd bio-fertilizer + mycorrhiza)
Results: The increase of phosphorus chemical fertilizer from zero to 180 kg/ha increased chlorophyll index (17%), plant height (8.5%) percentage of absorbed light (1.6%), biological yield (24%) and yield components of soybean significantly. The use of biological fertilizers also caused a significant increase in the mentioned traits. The interaction effect of chemical and biological phosphorus fertilizers was significant on the leaf area index and soybean yield, so that at each level of chemical fertilizer use, the highest of these traits was related to the application of Behroshd bio-fertilizer + mycorrhizal.
Conclusion: Increasing of phosphorus chemical fertilizer, reduce the bio-fertilizers application efficiency in soybeans yield improving. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable soybean production, the combination of biological fertilizers and lower amounts of chemical fertilizers should be used.


Main Subjects

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