Path Analysis of Relationships between Grain Yield and Related Traits in Spring Rapeseed Genotypes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan

2 Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences University of Khouzestan

3 Management UniversityAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan



In this study, irrigation interruption at three levels as the main factor (control (without irrigation interruption), irrigation interruption of 50% from flowering to fruiting and irrigation interruption from flowering to harvest) and two spring rapeseed genotypes (Longpad, Aram) , RGS 003, Jankom, Solar, Hayola 4815, Mehtab, Julius, Agamex and Sala) as a secondary factor during an experiment in 1399-1400 at the Khuzestan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources in the form of a chopped plan in block format. Complete random plots were investigated in three replications and traits such as the number of plant height, sub-branches, panicle length, number of panicles per plant, number of seeds per panicle, weight of 1000 seeds, seed protein content, seed oil content, oil yield, yield Seed, seed protein yield, harvest index, biological yield, length of flowering period and length of ripening period were evaluated. The calculation of simple correlation coefficients was determined, the characteristics of oil yield, harvest index, biological yield, length of growth period, length of flowering and number of spikelets per plant had the highest correlation with grain yield in both applied stress conditions. Both conditions of irrigation interruption, features of furrow length, harvest index, oil yield, biological yield are suggested for the selection of cultivars under irrigation interruption conditions at the end of the growing season due to high correlation and high positive direct effect of genotypic and phenotypic grain yield.
Keywords: heatmap analysis, stepwise regression, trait relationships, tolerant genotype


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