Efficacy of reduced rates of herbicide integrated with straw mulch and hand weeding in weed management of borage (Borago officinalis L.)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc in Weed Science, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran,

2 Professor/Department of Plant Ecophysiology/Faculty of Agriculture/ University of Tabriz

3 Professor, Department of Plant Production & Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Iran



Background and Objective: This experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of integrated weed management methods on growth characteristics and yield of borage (Borago officinalis L.).

Material and methods: The experiment was arranged as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm of Medicinal Crops of University of Zanjan in 2016. The first factor was weed control treatment with 14 levels including pendimethalin (50% of recommended dose), trifluralin at 50 and 100 % of recommended dose alone and with wheat straw mulch and weed-infested treatment and the second factor was supplementary control (without and with one hand weeding 50 days after planting). Also, the weed free treatment was considered in the experiment.

Results: The lowest weed biomass was observed in trifluralin 100% + mulch (99.5 g.m-2) that was not significantly different with trifluralin 100%. Application of soil applied herbicides reduced weed biomass but without hand weeding was unable to control weeds during growth season. Reduced rates of herbicides could be more effective if combined with hand weeding compared with their application alone. The highest borage yield loss observed in weed infested treatment that was not significantly different with pendimethalin (50% of recommended dose) and trifluralin at 100% of recommended dose alone.

Conclusion: Generally, the treatment of trifluralin 50% + one hand weeding had the highest borage flower yield (43.6 g.m-2) and reduction in weed biomass and this treatment could be introduced as sustainable weed management method in borage.


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