Structural analysis of factors affecting the unauthorized change of agricultural land use in Azarshahr city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Dept. of Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran

2 Master's student of Agricultural Extension and Education, Department of Rural Extension and Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University


This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors affecting the unauthorized change of agricultural land use in Azarshahr city. The current research is applied based on its purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of its nature and method, which used structural equation modeling and was carried out using causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In this research, information was collected from 220 people as a sample size using the purposeful sampling method. The participants included university professors, local informants and researchers in the field of agricultural development and extension. The data obtained from the research was analyzed at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS statistical software and then structural equation modeling was done in Lisrel software. To calculate the validity, content and face validity methods and techniques were used, and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure the reliability of the research questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for analyzing the structural effects was 0.77, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. In the analysis of data in the Lisrel program environment, the presented model was compatible with the experimental data at the optimal level and the indicators had a good fit. In this study, the incorrect location of nuisance services from the environmental dimension, land speculation from the economic dimension, the expansion of collective spaces from the social dimension, and the diversity and mixing of uses from the physical-spatial dimension were identified as factors affecting the change of unauthorized uses in Azarshahr city.


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