A Comparative Analysis of Energy Productivity and Water Application Efficiency in Sprinkler and Surface Irrigation Systems Case Study: Wheat Production in Ahwaz

Document Type : Research Paper



This study investigates energy productivity and water use efficiency in three separate farms, 42 hectare area equipped with sprinkler irrigation system, 33 and 45 hectare areas armed with surface irrigation system, in Ahwaz area through a 1-year period from 1391. Data were collected using face-to-face surveys from the farmers and practical operation examination in the farms. The results indicated the highest proportion of energy consumption was related to the operation of irrigation system. This energy was 15334.24 MJ.ha-1 equivalents to 33.24% for farm with sprinkler irrigation, 17544.18 MJ.ha-1 equivalents to 36.29% for the 33-hectare area, and 19089.83 MJ.ha-1 equivalents to 35.21% for 45-hectare area, respectively. The water productivity, partial energy productivity and water application efficiency were 0.665 kg.m-3, 2.45 kg.kWh-1 and 2857.14 m3.ha-1 in sprinkler irrigation system, respectively. In addition, the mentioned water and energy indexes for 33 and 45 hectare areas which were equipped with surface irrigation system were 0.22 kg.m-3, 4.76 kg.kWh-1, 10091 m3.ha-1 and 0.28 kg.m-3, 2.88 kg.kWh-1 and 7750 m3.ha-1 respectively.
