Evaluation of Tuber Yield, Vegetative Traits and Pollen Stainability in Six Families of True Potato Seeds

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the problems of potato breeding in Iran like the most other countries is the lack of enough genetic diversity due to asexual propagation and the availability of just foreign imported commercial cultivars. In order to evaluate the potential of yield and also selecting promising clone for use in breeding programs an experiment using 6 families of true potato seed including Fanta op, selected Andigena (Adg), hybrids of Agria × Caeser (Agr × Cas), Agria × Savalan (Agr × Sav) , family of the BC1 of S. stoloniferum× S. tuberosum (sto × tbr) with the cultivated parent (tbr) and families of inter-mating between sto × tbr hybrids (HS - sto × tbr) were compared with using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results has been showed significant difference between families for the total tuber yield, plant height, leaf area, pollen stainability (p ≤ 0.01) and tuber and haulm dry weight, and number of stem per plant (p ≤ 0.05). According to mean comparison results family Agria × Savalan with 526.66 grams per plant had the highest tuber yield but its difference with the families of Adg; (HS - sto × tbr) were not significant. The BC1 of sto × tbr family with 19.7 tubers per plant had the maximum tuber number but its difference with the families of the Adg, Agr × Sav and (HS - sto × tbr) were not significant. The (HS - sto × tbr), BC1 and Fanta OP had the highest and hybrids of (Agr × Sav) lowest pollen fertility.
