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Response of grain yield of barley and faba bean to humic acid application in different planting patterns of intercropping

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 October 2024


kamyar kazemi; Hamdollah Eskandari

Study of morphological characteristics, grain yield and some evaluation indexes of beans and basil inter cropping

Volume 34, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 21-39


Safar Nasrollahzadeh; Saeid Zehtab Salmasi; soniya haghverdi; roghiyeh farzi-aminabad

Evaluation of performance and ecological indicators of intercropping of chickpeas with urban chickpeas in the dry conditions of Saqez city.

Volume 33, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 303-321


hiwa nikdel; jalil Shafagh; Safar Nasrollahzadeh; Yaegoob Raee; Homayoun Kanouni

Evaluation of Chlorophyll Index ,Grain Yield and Yield Components of pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in different Patterns of Intercropping with madder (Rubia tinctorum)

Volume 33, Issue 2, July 2023, Pages 147-161


mohammadhasan alipour; adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab; Mohammad Reza Shakiba; Rouhollah Amini; Mohammad Reza Sarikhani

Evaluate the Competitiveness and Usefulness of Mixed Potato and Local Bean Cultivation in the City of Sarab

Volume 33, Issue 1, April 2023, Pages 251-267


Farhad Haji Ramezani; morteza Barmaki; Ghader Dashti; Adel Dabagh Mohamadi Nasab

The Effect of Biological and Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizers on Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Black Mustard (Brasassica nigra L.) Intercropping

Volume 30, Issue 3, November 2020, Pages 21-40

Yagoub Raei; Mehdi Sayyadi Ahmadabad; Kazem Ghassemi-Golezani; Saeid Ghassemi

Effect of Soybean, Moldavian Balm and Proso Millet Intercropping on Growth Characteristics and Yield of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

Volume 30, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 41-58

Bahram Choubforoush Khoei; Rouhollah Amini; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab; Yaghoub Raei

Effect of Biofertilizers and Mulching on Growth, Yield and Omega-3 fatty acid of Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) Intercropped with Dragon’s head (Lallemantia iberica Fischer & C.A. Meyer)

Volume 29, Issue 2, July 2019, Pages 267-283

Asal Rohi Saralan; Jalil Shafagh-Kolvanagh; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab; Mahmoodreza Saeidi

Yield and Fatty Acid Composition of Dragon’s head (Lallemantia iberica Fischer & C.A. Meyer) Intercropped with Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) Under Mulching and Biofertilizers

Volume 29, Issue 1, April 2019, Pages 51-66

Asal Rohi Saralan; Jalil Shafagh- Kolvanagh; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab; Mahmoodreza Saeidi

Evaluation of Yield and Protein Content of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Intercropping with Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) under Biological and Chemical Fertilizers

Volume 28, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 247-260

Mahmoodreza Saeidi; Yaghoub Raei; Rouhollah Amini; Akbar Taghizadeh; Bahman Pasban Eslam

Evaluation of Competition and Advantage in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Forage Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Intercropping under Rainfed Condition

Volume 28, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 1-17

Abdollah Javanmard; Mostafa Amani Machiani; Seyyed Bahman Mousavi

The Effect of Intercropping and Deficit Irrigation on the Water Use efficiency and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) and Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Volume 28, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 209-220

Yasin Salehi; Davoud Zarehaghi; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab; Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri

Evaluating the Cultural and Physical Methods and Reduced Doses of Herbicide in Integrated Weed Management of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Volume 27, Issue 3, October 2017, Pages 87-102

Iraj Nosrati; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nassab; Mohammad Reza Shakiba; Rohollah Amini

The Effect of Density on Onion Yield in Mono-Cropping and Intercropping with Fenugreek

Volume 27, Issue 3, October 2017, Pages 201-214

Tahereh Moghbeli; Sahebali Bolandnazar; Jaber Panahande; Yaegoob Raei

Effect of Bio- and Chemical Fertilizers on Grain and Essential Oil Yield of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) in Intercropping with Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)

Volume 27, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 49-63

Shafighe Sakhavi; Rouhoullah Amini; Mohamma Reza Shakiba; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi_Nasab

Yield and Yield Components of Lallemantia (Lallemantia iberica Fisch. et Mey) intercropped with Anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) under Weed Infestation

Volume 27, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 183-195

Mehdi Malekzadeh; Jalil Shafagh-Kalvanagh; Saeed zehtab Salmasi; Safar Nasrollahzadeh; Adel Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab

Evaluation of Yield and Advantages of Corn (Zea mays L.) and Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Intercropping

Volume 27, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 1-11

Hamed Mabudi Bilesuar; Saeid Zehtab Salmasi